Real Time Email Verification

Effective Campaigns Depend on Quality Emails

  • Ensure Your Messages Reach the Inbox
    By capturing valid emails and cleaning your list before hitting send.
  • Protect Your Sender Reputation
    By eliminating 95% of the bad emails that could get you black listed.
  • Improve Your Email List
    By updating domains, fixing misspellings and typos and standardising casing.

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With Email Verification Service You Can:

  • Ping an email mailbox to ensure it is active and can receive mail
  • Improve deliverability and bounce rates by correcting typos and illegal characters
  • Reduce fraud by confirming only valid, not fake emails enter your systems
  • Maintain CAN-SPAM compliance with FCC mobile domain detection
  • Ping an email mailbox to ensure it is active and can receive mail
  • Improve deliverability and bounce rates by correcting typos and illegal characters
  • Reduce fraud by confirming only valid, not fake emails enter your systems
  • Maintain CAN-SPAM compliance with FCC mobile domain detection

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Free Trial & ROI Guarantee

Request a free trial by filling out the form.

  • Free Trial
    30-day free trial so you can test our tools in your environment.
  • Free Support
    Free, unlimited technical support.
  • Guarantee
    120-Day ROI Guarantee!
  • Flexible Solutions
    Cloud APIs, software and integrations for Excel, Salesforce, Dynamics CRM, Magento, Shopware and more!

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Leader for Data Quality on G2 - Summer 2024 High Performer Summer 2024 for Data Quality on G2 Momentum Summer 2024 for Data Quality on G2 Fastest Implementation Summer 2024 for Data Quality on G2 Best Est ROI Summer 2024 for Data Quality on G2