Clean, standardise & format international addresses

Approximately 20% of addresses entered online contain errors: spelling mistakes, wrong house numbers, incorrect postal codes, and sometimes formatting errors that don’t conform to a specific country’s postal regulations. This can be a big and costly concern for companies shipping across borders.

Melissa’s Global Address Verification service verifies addresses for 240+ countries and territories at point of entry and in batch to ensure only valid billing, shipping, and contact addresses are entered and used in your systems.

  • We host the cloud service and provide updates on a regular basis as well as new reference data that you can automatically access at any time .
  • Correct international addresses by adding missing components such as postal codes, locality, and more
  • Standardise addresses to meet local in-country formatting rules
  • Transliterate to and from native country languages and Latin
  • Add precise lat/long coordinates up to the rooftop level.
Try our Address Verification

How Address Verification Works

Inputted Address
  • 22382 Avenida
  • 22382 220th St
  • 22382 Ainsowrth Dr
  • 22382 Alaska Dr
Parsed Address
22382 Avenida Empresa
Rancho Santa Margarita
Inputted Address
22382 avenida empresa, rancho margarita santa, ca
standardised Address
22382 Avenida Empresa, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Verified Address
22382 Avenida Empresa Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688
Valid Address
Deliverable Address
Russian Translation
Привет, мир
Transliterated Version
Privet, mir
Address Output
  • Address Line 1: 22382 Avenida Empresa
  • City: Rancho Santa Margarita
  • State: CA
  • ZIP Code: 92688
Address Verification - Try Address Verification

Start with Address AutoComplete

utilise Melissa for fast, accurate address capture at point of entry. Our Express Entry solution powers your web forms and CRM with type-ahead address autocompletion – ensuring only a verified, standardised and complete address enters your database.

  • Autocomplete addresses to speed up order entry with reduced keystrokes
  • Real-time verification eliminates shipping costs due to incorrect addresses
  • Autofill all address fields – misspellings are prevented, abbreviations completed and missing information is added
Learn More Try Address Autocomplete

Access all countries and territories through a single interface

Our engine allows you to verify and correct addresses in a single country or in all countries across the world, all from a single interface. We have done all the hard work on combining the varied addressing systems across the world so that all you have to do to verify an address in a new country is to send it in.

Our engine gives you the address back as:

  • Formatted in the standard set by the postal authority in mailing label or in database storage format.
  • The parsed address fields like house number, thoroughfare, locality, postal code for categorisation and analysis

Address Verification - International Address Verification - Turkey
Address Verification - International Address Transliteration - Turkey


We support multiple language scripts, including:

  • Cyrillic (Russia)
  • Hellenic (Greece)
  • Hebrew (Israel)
  • Arabic (United Arab Emirates)
  • Kanji (Japan)
  • Chinese (China)
  • Hangul (South Korea)
  • Thai (Thailand)
Our engine will allow you to transliterate between these scripts and latin so you can store your address data in the preferred format.

Request a Demonstration

A demonstration with one of our representatives gives you a first-hand look at our products in action. Request one today.

Helpful Resources


Data Cleansing

Overview of Full Spectrum Data Quality Solutions

Watch Video Now
Product Sheet

Address Verification

Instantly Validate Addresses for 240+ Countries.

Download Product Sheet Now

Global Ecommerce

Int'l Delivery Considerations For Global E-Commerce

Download Whitepaper Now