Quickstart Guide

Using Result Codes

#1. Know Your Result Codes

If knowledge is power, knowing these codes will make you a nondescript super person. But just like donuts at a bakery, although there are a lot of flavors, there's only a few that you get all the time. It's the same with the result codes. While there are many, and you should know them, you'll likely focus on just a few that are important for your use case.

Even though we have lots of codes, there are some that won't even apply to you. However, reviewing the codes that are available may give you information to make decisions you didn’t even know you could make.

Whatever you do, don’t skim through the Result codes like your license agreement and actually go through it carefully. You will be glad you did.

#2. Define "Good"

#3. Use Contains and Cascade Your Results

#4. Result Codes Can Change