Set up a Melissa account and activate your complimentary credits to use a range of Web APIs in our Developer Portal.

Activate 1,000 Free Developer Credits

Credit Costs / Pricing

Melissa reserves the right to change either the required number of credits for a particular service or individual credit cost at its discretion and without notice. Melissa shall prioritize maintaining consistency and fairness with respect to such changes, however, market conditions or other external factors may require Melissa to make adjustments as necessary.

Action Type What it Does Pricing
U.S. & Canada
Personator Verify and Correct Address, Name, Phone and Email information in the US/Canada and append Rooftop Geocodes. 3 Credits Per Check
Property Data Returns comprehensive property and mortgage data on over 140 million U.S. properties. Only Lookup Property available through credits. 9 Credits Per Check
BusinessCoder Validates business addresses, appends business latitude / longitudes, and appends firmographic information about 25 million businesses. 5 Credits Per Check
SSN Name Verify
SSN Name Verify Verify a Social Security Number matches the name. (Coming Soon)
Action Type What it Does Pricing
Global Address
Global Address Check Checks the validity of addresses for over 240 countries and territories. Address is verified, standardized, and formatted to local country standards and the premise level Geocode is returned. 10 Credits Per Address Check
Global Name
Global Name Check Parse full and multiple names, standardize common company indicators, detect dual names, identify gender, and flag vulgar/suspicious names. 1 Credit Per Check
Global Phone
Global Phone Performs a "live check" of a mobile line, identifying if the number is live, active, and callable. 10 Credits Per Record Check
Global Email
Basic Email Check Basic syntax checks are performed, including the mailbox name and domain (no cache result). 1 Credit Per Record Check
Mailbox Email Check Check email addresses and verify they are live and receive deliverability confidence score to drive mass-mailing decisions. 4 Credits Per Record Check
IP Locator
Global IP Locator Utilize 20 unique lookup techniques to provide a wealth of geolocation information on over 99% of global IPv4 addresses. 2 Credits Per Check
Credit Expiration Notice:
The Credit Balance will be reset to 0 if there is no activity (consumes/purchases) within one year.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Click the Activate Credits button below. If you already have a Melissa account, your credits will be activated and you can use them on the Developer Portal.
    If you don’t have a Melissa account, you will be sent to a Sign-in page. After signing in, you’ll return to this page automatically. Now click the Activate Credits button and you’re all set!
  2. Go to the Developer Portal and check out our suite of Location-based, Identity and Business APIs. Now, start playing!

At the beginning of the month, we’ll top off your account with up to 1000 complimentary credits.

Melissa Lookups, Listware, Clean Suite for CRM, and Mailers Online also work with Credits. You can use your credits with any of these products as well!

Contact Us, we’ll be more than happy to help!