Validate, Standardize and Format U.S. & Global Addresses in Real-Time

Melissa’s Global Address Verification service verifies addresses for 240+ countries and territories at the point of entry and in batch to ensure only valid billing and shipping addresses are captured and used in your systems.

  • Leverage a postal certified address engine using official government data including CASS (USPS), SERP (Canada Post), PAF (Royal Mail) and more
  • Correct international addresses by adding missing components such as postal codes, locality, and more
  • Standardize addresses to meet local in-country formatting rules
  • Transliterate to and from native country languages and Latin
  • Add precise lat/long coordinates up to the rooftop (delivery point) level
  • Global Address Verification is available as part of Melissa Data Quality Suite

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Address Verification


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Melissa G2 Awards

What Our Customers Say

“Invaluable tool with superior support”

“It has made our address validation process incredibly easier, helping us serve our clients better and always keeping our databases updated. Consider Melissa Data if you want ease to implement address validation on any platform. Great help in the validation of addresses and the search for duplicates.”

Gerardo E., Mid-Market User

“Great Product”

"The address validation is what we used the most. Very useful to be able to make sure that delivery addresses are correct. We used the email validation some, but never really put it into production. Bad addresses and duplicates. Being able to correct the addresses for customer records, then using that good address as a matching point was helpful. We have multiple instances of many accounts, and matching to make sure they are the same actual company was very helpful and enlightening."

Frank F., Enterprise User

"Melissa is an Intelligent Address Book"

“The possibility to autocomplete, edit and correct personal data before implementing them in the CRM. The classification of leads by demographics to segment them more accurately. The technical support is excellent because they always clarify all doubts in record time. Integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 is very convenient because it is one of the most used CRMs in large companies.”

Jake Z, Mid-Market User