We Are the Experts

40 Years of Data Quality Expertise & Managing Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Melissa is committed to offering you the best data quality solutions essential for important government services like voting, public safety, tax collection and more, while helping you protect your client data.

  • Verify, correct & standardize global addresses for 240+ countries and territories, with support for many different language sets.
  • Update databases with change-of-address services for U.S. addresses to reduce undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) mail and detect and prevent fraud.
  • Add missing address components to addresses such as postal codes, missing house numbers, street type, and more.
  • Transliterate to and from native country languages and Latin.
  • Protect personal client data with stringent compliance & secure transmission.

Security & Compliance

The security of your data is of the utmost importance. Melissa uses a 256-bit TLS encryption to ensure that our cloud services are compliant with many rigorous security protocols so we can serve federal agencies who require the highest level of data protection. For a more in-depth look at our security and certifications, visit our Certifications and Compliance page.

HIPAA / HITrust & SOC2 Certified

CCPA & GDPR Compliant

USPS® yearly audit
for NCOALink® database

99.99% Uptime with SLA

Ready to Start Your Demo?

Start today with Melissa's wide range of Data Quality Solutions, Tools, and Support.

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