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Melissa’s Global Bureau Services is ideal for enterprise businesses looking for a trusted data service provider to help them clean and verify their existing customer records. From data management and processing services to global data analytics, Melissa offers bespoke data cleansing solutions to fit your unique needs.

  • Verify addresses, emails, & phone numbers
  • Identify & eliminate duplicate customer records for a single customer view
  • Enrich global data by adding rooftop geocodes, ISO state and country codes, demographics/firmographics, & more
The data hygiene solution is world-class. and we benchmarked Melissa against the big names in data. When the cost if factored in it is no contest.-Alicia B, Database Administrator

Melissa G2 Awards

Always recognized and praised by Melissa Users each quarter on G2.com

Global Data Management Services - Cleanse, Verify, Match & Enrich

Batch Address Cleansing

Process an entire address list for accuracy & completeness

Email Address Verification

Verify emails at the mailbox level, remove bad emails, identify spam traps, & more

Global Phone Number

Verify, standardize, & correctly format any phone number from anywhere in the world

Duplicate Matching & Merge/Purge

Find & eliminate duplicate customer records within & between databases or data sources

Global Data Enrichment

Add rooftop geocodes (lat/long coordinates), ISO state and country codes, demographics/firmographics, & more

The Data Service Provider You Can Trust

Personalized Service

Our dedicated team of experts has the skills and expertise to ensure the successful completion of your data verification project.

Decades of Experience

Dealing with complex, messy global data? You’re in the right place. As a trusted data service provider, our team has the know-how to manage these challenges.

Global Support

We utilize the industry’s most sophisticated data management and data processing solutions with support for global postal addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and personal names.

Scalable Solutions

We can manage data at your scale - whether individual files, or millions of customer records, from multiple source systems and countries - for customized data quality management.

A Focus on Security

Our services use secure encryption for all file transfer and an information security ecosystem built on the ISO 27001 framework. In addition, we adhere to GDPR policies and maintain SOC2 compliance.

Melissa Solutions Available On-Prem or Cloud On-Prem or Cloud
Melissa is HIPAA / HITrust & SOC2 Certified HIPAA / HITrust & SOC2 Certified
Melissa is HIPAA / HITrust & SOC2 Certified CCPA & GDPR Compliant
Melissa Provides 99.99% Uptime with SLA 99.99% Uptime with SLA
Ready to Start Your Demo?

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