Get accurate and detailed information on every address in the U.S., Canada and many other countries

Melissa’s Global Address Database (GAD) contains accurate and detailed information on every address including non-post office addresses (i.e. physical address that the Post Office does not deliver to). In addition to street addresses (including apartment/suite numbers), GAD also provides geographic information like rooftop latitude-longitude coordinates, census tract/block number, and county name with FIPS code – ideal for analytics, mapping, risk management and logistics applications.

  • 211+ million U.S. addresses including PO Boxes, Apartments and Suites
  • Customize selections by City, Province, State, Postal Code or any shape-based search
  • Latitude-longitude coordinates including available census data and address type (residence or business)
  • Monthly updates with adds, deletions and changes

Available datasets include:

Country Country Code Total Records Update Period Data Sample File & Layout Ordering
United States US 211 Million Monthly Download Call 1-800-Melissa
Canada CA 30 Million Monthly Download Call 1-800-Melissa
France FR 28 Million Quarterly Download Call 1-800-Melissa
Germany DE 25 Million Quarterly Download Call 1-800-Melissa
Italy IT 27 Million Quarterly Download Call 1-800-Melissa
Spain ES 8.9 Million Quarterly Download Call 1-800-Melissa
Portugal PT 1.4 Million Quarterly Download Call 1-800-Melissa
Slovenia SL 567 Thousand Quarterly Download Call 1-800-Melissa

For an updated country list, visit our wiki page

The “Key” Makes GAD Unique

Each U.S. and Canadian address is assigned a Melissa Address Key (MAK), which is a 10-digit number that never changes. Much like a barcode or ISBN, this address key identifies a discrete physical address and aligns a multitude of additional information associated with the address. When you purchase GAD, you have all of the valid addresses within a given area – and no matter how the addresses change, or if new addresses become available, you know exactly what the changes are. MAKs optimize updates from the USPS address database and other postal authorities to ensure your address file is accurate.

A persistent, unique, 10-digit key is assigned to each U.S., Canadian and international address in your address file.

You can select the search parameters to fit your needs. For instance, get all the addresses associated with a congressional district, ZIP Code, group of ZIP Codes, City, County, State or any shape-based search.

How to Use GAD

GAD is a boon to the first responder community – imagine a complete 911 address database with up-to-date residential and business addresses easily accessible to fire departments or 911 emergency call centers. The ability to quickly identify an address can help ensure first responders reach the correct location immediately.
You can select the search parameters to fit your needs. For instance, get all the addresses associated with a congressional district, ZIP Code, group of ZIP Codes, City, County, State or any shape-based search.
Additional uses of GAD include optimizing route planning and resource allocation, enriching data for analytics, utilities management (water/gas/waste), and risk assessment.

Want to Know More?

Contact our data specialists at 800.635.4772 to request a sample data set now – it’s quick and easy!

Helpful Resources


Melissa Address Key (MAK)

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Product Sheet

Global Address Database (GAD)

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