Our data quality solutions support you with your most important data quality requirements

Achieve better data quality with Melissa; that means better business insights, lower costs, and happier customers.

Data is the lifeblood of organisations, yet an alarming 91 % of businesses suffer from data quality issues. The most common are inaccurate data, outdated contacts, incomplete records, and duplicates. That’s where we come in - for nearly 40 years, Melissa has helped companies all over the world to improve their data quality which reduces costs and waste, grows revenue, and helps them gain greater insights into their customers.

Our flexible and customisable end-to-end data quality tools:

  • Profile and monitor data to uncover places where bad data is entering your system and maintain data quality standards over time.
  • Cleanse and standardise any data with machine learning and advanced rules customised to best serve your business.
  • Verify international addresses, names, phone numbers, emails, and IP addresses.
  • Match and consolidate duplicate records with intelligent parsing capabilities and deep domain knowledge to obtain one golden record for each customer for a complete 360-degree view.
Request more information about our data quality solutions!

Melissa Data Quality Solutions

Address Verification

Address Verification

Verify, correct, standardise, transliterate, and format national and international addresses to local postal formats for over 240 countries and territories.

Address Autocomplete

Address Autocomplete

Autocomplete national and international addresses in real-time, reducing keystrokes up to 50 %.

Email Verification

Email Verification

Validate, parse and standardise email addresses and correct common typographical errors, to improve deliverability and reduce spam.

Phone Verification

Phone Verification

Verify national and international landlines as well as mobile numbers to improve tele- and SMS-marketing.

Name Verification

Name Verification

Analysis of first names and surnames, as well as the identification of vulgar or fictitious names. Gender can also be identified.

Data Deduplication with MatchUp

Data Deduplication with MatchUp

Identifies and removes duplicates. Achieve the “Golden Record”.



Convert national and international addresses to latitude and longitude coordinates for better mapping and analytics.

Pentaho Data Quality - IP Location

IP Location

If you know where your customers live, you can target them with specific advertising offers.

Data Profiling with Profiler

Data Profiling with Profiler

The Profiler identifies weaknesses in your data quality process and gives insight into the actual health of your data.

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How our data quality solutions work

Getting started is easy. Our data quality solutions are hosted via an interface as a web service or on-premise (locally). With several server stations, we guarantee an uptime of 99.9 % for our web service. We currently achieve an uptime of 100 %.

Alternatively, you can also provide us with a file containing your inventory data via SFTP and we will process it as part of our Bureau Service, making the results available to you.

Our technology can process data both in real time (point-of-entry) and in batch mode (batch processing). We offer you international 24/7 support and German-language support during our office hours. This is free of charge for you as a customer and/or prospective customer.

  • Real-time (point of entry): Contact data is automatically checked before it enters your CRM/ERP system. This significantly reduces the required time and manual effort.
  • Batch mode (batch processing): Before starting a campaign, you can check the relevant contact data to ensure that mailings/emails/SMS reach the customer.

We work with a wide range of partners, especially leading postal authorities, whose databases are linked to our address engine. This means we always receive the most up-to-date reference data.

Poor data quality is a major cost factor that companies can avoid effectively. On average, it only costs € 1 to check contact information with the help of professional software support. However, poor data quality not only means higher costs, but it also has a negative impact on decisions and response rates as well as cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.

Calculate the cost impact of your data based on your individual use case with our E-Commerce ROI Calculator.

Transliteration der wichtigsten Sprachzeichensätze

Situations with Melissa's data quality solutions

Sample use cases in which Melissa's data quality tools are helpful:

  • Address Verification: Return rate of postal mailing campaigns due to incorrect or incomplete addresses is reduced
  • Autocompletion: Faster data entry for customers reduces shopping cart abandonments
  • Email Verification: High return rates of emails due to incorrect or incomplete email addresses are reduced
  • Name Analysis: Use personalisation, no incorrect and impersonal salutations
  • Data Deduplication: Customers are not created more than once in the system, which can otherwise lead to data protection violations
  • ... and much more!
Try it now!

The Quick Wins After Using Data Quality Tools

Improved Decision Making Clean and accurate data leads to better-informed decision-making. Quick access to reliable data helps teams make faster and more confident choices.
Reduced Costs & Errors Data quality tools can automatically identify and correct errors in data, reducing the chances of mistakes that can lead to costly errors in operations or reporting.
Increased Revenue Accurate and reliable data can lead to more targeted marketing campaigns, better sales forecasting, and improved pricing strategies, all of which can increase revenue.
Time Savings Automated data quality checks and corrections save time previously spent on manual data cleansing and validation tasks.

Further benefits of good or high contact data quality can be found in our "Quick Benefits of Contact Data Quality" infographic.

Test our data quality solutions

Would you like to see how you can use our tools to improve the quality of your data?

We will be happy to set up an account for you to test our data quality solutions in your environment.

  • Data quality solutions from a single source (single provider)
  • Support from experienced consultants and almost 40 years of experience
  • International coverage
  • Reference data from multiple sources
  • GDPR-compliant and other certifications
  • Free trial version for individual evaluation