Melissa for Education

Our online portal is the perfect resource to access the data you need for your projects and research.

What's Available?

Data Sets

Free data sets are available for U.S./CA Geo Data, Property Data, Address Data, ZIP Code Data, Phone Data, and more.

US Data US Property Data Geo Data GIS Data

Melissa Lookups

These are perfect tools to search for addresses, phone numbers, ZIP Codes, and more. Visit our Lookups page to view a complete list of available products.

Some Examples:

Address Search

Provides you with a complete address picture. Simply enter what you know, and the Address Search tool will find the rest

ZIP / City / Phone

Returns useful ZIP Code information based on a 5 or 9-digit ZIP Code, City Name, Phone Number or Area Code search

Global Phone Check

Enter a phone number in any format, and Phone Check will determine the region or country by its dialing code and return information such as line type, carrier and caller ID


Web Service API

You can embed Melissa Web Service API into your program. Visit our developer portal to learn more.

Some Examples:

Global Address

Verifies and standardizes mailing addresses around the world

Global Phone

Verifies a phone number is active, determines Line Type, Dominant Language, Carrier, & more

U.S. Property Service

Returns comprehensive property and mortgage information on 140+ million U.S. properties including Parcel Information, Owner, & more

These APIs will require a sales representative to enable the service:
Cicero, Global Express Entry, People Business Search, Personator Identity, Personator Search, SmartMover, Street Route & Zip Search

On Premise API

Free sample codes are available on the Melissa GitHub for the following Melissa Objects:

Some Examples:

Address Object

Corrects, verifies and enhances U.S. and Canadian addresses

Email Object

Allows your websites and custom applications to update email addresses in your database files while verifying and correcting misspelled domain names

Name Object

Automates the handling of name data, screening out vulgar or obviously false names

Phone Object

Allows websites and custom applications to verify phone numbers down to 7 and 10 digits, update area codes, and append data about the phone number

Rightfielder Object

Identifies, parses, and reorganizes input data into usable data types

Geocoder Object

Allows you to obtain Latitude and Longitude Coordinates, Census Tract & Block Numbers, County Name, and FIPS Numbers

User Type


Gain access to a limited set of records in the local area and basic tools for use in various data quality projects.

Student Plus

Level up and gain productivity with a larger set of records, advanced tools, web service APIs, and more.


Customize your data sets. Contact us about special licensing options.

Am I Eligible?

How Do I Start?

  1. Sign in or Create a Melissa Account with a .edu email address
  2. Verify Your Email
  3. Download Data & Activate Your Tools

Frequently Asked Questions

You will need an email ending with .edu to create a Melissa account.
FONE Data, ZIP Code Data, U.S. Address Data, Canadian Geo Data, Property Deed Data, Property Assessment Data, GIS Parcel Data, GIS Block Data, GIS Building Footprints Data, GIS City Data, GIS County Data and GIS Zip Code Data are included.
All you need to do is fill out a short survey to upgrade from Student to StudentPlus.
Yes, try out our Lookups / APIs / Sample Codes
Yes! Please submit your project to Please include your name, School, course title, year of graduation, name of project, link to project (e.g.: github, aws, website, note: we will not host your project for you), short project description. If your project is chosen, it may even be showcased on our website!
Yes, you can use the data in your project as long as it’s cited using the APA format as follows:

Melissa Data Corporation. Melissa. Retrieved January 01, 2023, from

Melissa Education Videos

Melissa Education Blog

Student Projects

Predicting Home Prices

View Project

I See OC Health

View Project

Bathrooms of Orange County

View Project

Property Guessr

View Project

Food Desert or Dessert?

View Project


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