Palletization, an advanced mailing requirement, refers to the process of placing mail containers such as trays, tubs or sacks onto wood or plastic pallets. Once a mailing reaches minimum thresholds, pallet preparation is required per USPS Mailing Standards as outlined in the DMM (Domestic Mail Manual).The USPS has a guide ( to assist mailers in determining when pallets MUST be prepared for Intelligent Mail Full-Service mailings. If you are required to use pallets and are using Full-Service, you must create, print and attach a placard to your pallet. The placard barcode includes a serial number that must stay unique across all your mailings for at least 45 days.
Palletizing can help you improve the efficiency of your mailing operations, saving you time and money. In addition, it:
Melissa’s Mailers+4 Desktop Postal Automation Software offers PAVE™ Gold Certified Presorting & Palletization to help you qualify for the lowest rates possible. Presort your mail to take advantage of discounts for First-Class™ , USPS Marketing Mail™ , Prot/Nonprot, and Periodicals mailings. The palletization feature is offered for high-volume mailings. Mailers+4 helps you:
Melissa’s Presort Object is an on-premise API that integrates easily into your current mail processing system. It works with any mailing list that has been processed with a current CASS Certified engine for ZIP + 4® codes. Presort Object provides a palletization option for First Class and Marketing Mail and is Full Service Intelligent Mail® compliant and Mail.dat – it generates iMB barcodes and all necessary reports and e-documents.
Melissa’s flexible Direct Mail Software and Services options include List Hygiene, Mailing and Deduping to help you validate and standardize addresses, update your records and remove duplicates. As the leader in Address Verification, Melissa will help you ensure your mailing lists are clean and current so you can maintain communication with your customers, grow your business and achieve greater ROI.