DPV(Delivery Point Validation)  - Confirm Address Devlivery
DSF2® (Delivery Sequence File) Processing distinguishes between deliverable and non-deliverable postal addresses

DSF2® (Delivery Sequence File) processing distinguishes between deliverable and non-deliverable postal addresses. It provides walk sequence codes that allow you to submit your mail pieces in the exact order a postal carrier delivers mail on a particular mailing route.

Saturation Mailings and the Benefits of DSF2 Processing

Saturation mailings are a cost-efficient way to reach an entire neighborhood by “saturating” every household or business in a postal carrier route with your direct mail. Saturation mailing gets you the lowest postage rate because of the discounts for sharing the workload - it saves the Postal Service time and money, and those savings are passed on to you in the form of postage discounts. To qualify for the maximum saturation mail postage discounts, mailings must meet the following two requirements:

  1. The mailing must follow the 90/75 Rule, which means you must mail to at least 90 percent of residential addresses, or at least 75 percent of the total number of residential and business addresses in a given carrier route.

  2. The mailing must be sorted in “Walk Sequence” order – the actual sequence that the postal carrier walks the route.
ZIP Code Divided by Carrier Routes

The walk sequence number, which indicates the order in which a carrier delivers to addresses on his route, must be attached to every record and updated every 90 days. You can have this added to your list with DSF2 processing.

DSF2 processing allows businesses to cut down on costs and waste associated with undeliverable as addressed (UAA) mail. In addition to qualifying for postal discounts, other benefits include identifying delivery types such as curb, door slot, box, etc. and notification on whether a property has been vacant 90+ days.

Why Melissa?

Melissa’s DSF2 Processing service is fast and accurate, qualifying your mailings for USPS Enhanced Carrier Route (ECR), Basic, High Density or Saturation postal discounts. We match the addresses in your mail file against the DSF2 database of over 165 million records to provide you with clean, updated and deliverable addresses so you can avoid costs associated with undeliverable mail, postage and printing. We recommend using DSF2 in conjunction with NCOALink® (National Change of Address) processing to update your list with customers who have moved in the last 48 months.

As a single-source vendor for direct marketing solutions, Melissa has helped businesses for 40 years boost their sales and marketing efforts with data-driven solutions that work to keep your customer data clean - so you can uncover new leads, achieve greater ROI and grow your business.

250+ Countries & Territories
1,000,555,787+ Addresses Verified
40 Years
10,000+ Customers Worldwide